A Warm, Tropical Climate with No Hurricanes Ever, Totally Modern Infrastructure, Excellent Healthcare, and a Very Affordable Cost of Living...
Just 3 Hours From Miami, You’ll Find the World’s #1 Retirement Spot.
But That's Just the Beginning

The Top 10 Reasons So Many Retirees—and People of All Ages—Are Choosing Ultra-Modern, Welcoming, Scenic Panama…

Dear Field Notes Reader,

If you're thinking about retiring overseas, I'll wager that Panama is in the top one or two places you're considering. That's smart on your part.

Panama is the world's #1 retirement spot for many very good reasons.

Here are the Top 10 Reasons for Choosing Panama:

#10. If you live in the U.S. or Canada, you know Panama is close to home…just a three-hour flight from Miami, pretty much directly south. It's in the same time zone as North America, in fact—either central or eastern time, depending on the season.

(Panama doesn't do daylight savings time as the sun rises and sets at about the same time every day, month in and month out.) This makes it easy to work or stay in touch with everyone back home.

#9. The warm, tropical climate is a big attraction. As a friend of mine who lives in Panama's pretty mountain town of Boquete says, “Panama is not the end of the rainbow, but it's pretty close. In fact, we see rainbows here almost every day. The greenery grows and the flowers bloom year-round.”

Best of all, he says, “I now have a one-season wardrobe. That's something nobody tells you…you'll save thousands on your wardrobe costs when you live here. It's one of the unexpected savings. Parkas, hats, gloves, and snow boots…snow shovels…I'll never buy those again if I can help it…because I never plan to see snow again.”

#8. No big weather traumas. There's no such thing as blizzards and ice storms in Panama. No hurricanes, either. While it's nicely situated at the southern tip of Central America, and between the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean, Panama is well below the hurricane belt. You can live the laidback tropical lifestyle with no need for expensive hurricane insurance.

#7. You can lower your cost of living without giving up those things that are most important to a happy lifestyle. It can be remarkably affordable to live in Panama, with no sacrifices. Expat couples report they live very happily and comfortably on budgets averaging about $2,000 a month.

#6. You'll find top-quality medical care. (Punta Pacifica Hospital is affiliated with Baltimore's renowned Johns Hopkins Medicine.) Many doctors have trained at major universities in the U.S., Europe, and beyond, and they speak English.

You’ll find many healthcare innovations, too—such as stem cell therapies. (Panama is quickly becoming a global leader in non-surgical therapeutic options.)

By the way, the cost of healthcare can be five times less than comparable services in the U.S. That should get your attention.

#5. You have many affordable health plan options, too. You can join a hospital-based plan, get private insurance, use your TRICARE…

Retirees who would be paying $1,250 a month or more—$15,000 a year—in the U.S. for health insurance with a high deductible say that in Panama, they're paying, on average, $3,240 a year for coverage—and that's with a deductible of just $250 a year. That's a savings of nearly $12,000 a year right there.

#4. Plus, Panama offers all retirees—including foreign residents—the option to join its world-class Pensionado (Retirement) Program—the most generous and appealing program of special benefits you'll find anywhere in the world today. I'll explain more about this in a moment…it's important for you to understand its many benefits.

#3. Another thing expats in Panama appreciate is the big tax savings. You'll pay no taxes on your foreign-earned income. In fact, you'll experience far less bureaucracy and government intrusion overall, than you'll find elsewhere in the world.

For instance, a new property tax law went into effect on January 1, 2019, which reduces property taxes in Panama—to an incredibly low .5% of the value of the home. And you can get full tax exemptions on some properties constructed in recent years.

#2. Importantly, it's easy to settle into life in Panama. The government is stable and the economy is robust. Despite the pandemic, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) predicts Panama will be one of the “fastest growing economies in the region” for 2022.

By many accounts, Panama is the most modern and progressive country in Latin America.

All your brand-name products and specialty items are available, high-speed internet is just about everywhere… You can drink the tap water… The U.S. dollar is the official currency…

Americans helped build the Panama Canal, remember, and they've been a steady presence in Panama for generations, so you'll find a big community of English speakers.

But There's Another Compelling Reason—the TOP Reason, in fact, to Choose Panama: Because of the Panamanians Themselves.

Family Beach
My son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter on the beach in Panama.

#1. You cannot beat the warmth and the welcoming nature of the Panamanian people. They are happy and it's infectious.

I'm Dan Prescher, senior editor for International Living, and I have a story to tell you about the people of Panama…

My wife and I lived in Panama for a time. So did our son. Flash forward more than a decade and I am happy to say I am now father-in-law to a lovely Panameña and a proud “papa” to our Panamanian-American granddaughter.

The extended crew of our daughter-in-law's parents, grandparents, siblings, cousins, nieces and nephews have become…well…family to us…

Family Beach
Sociologists report Panamanians are the “happiest people in the world.” Spend any time in Panama, and believe me, this joyful contentedness rubs off.

We typically gather once or twice a year, in Panama or the U.S. And to say that my wife and I have been welcomed into the family fold would be a vast understatement. We don't speak perfect Spanish…not by any means…and not all of them speak English, but we celebrate the achievements of life and commiserate over the downsides.

Our Panama family has so warmly shared their culture…their food and drink, their funny sayings, the card games, music, fireworks and happy chaos…that I sometimes have to stop and think: Are these their customs or mine?

My point with all this: You can choose where to retire for a variety of reasons important to you. And there are places where you can satisfy most anything on your wish list…climate, beautiful scenery, affordability, and so on.

But in Panama, you'll also get a whole lot of heart.

Part of it all is surely the long association Panama has had with the U.S. for 200 years or more. “Zonians,” in fact, is a term used to describe descendants of Americans who were born and/or stayed in Panama after their ancestors came to build and maintain the canal. The late Senator John McCain, the baseball player Rod Carew, and musician Stephen Stills are famous Zonians…

Panamanians understand our culture and our customs. They're happy to share their country with us. And they're unfailingly happy. But why not? They enjoy a high standard of living and a low unemployment rate and low crime rates, but an overall low cost of living. Who couldn't be happy with that?

For all these reasons and more, Panama consistently earns a top spot on International Living's Global Retirement Index.

And in 2022 Panama is #1: the world’s best place to retire.

You owe it to yourself to see what Panama offers you.

The Most Important Person You'll Want on Your Side in Panama…

I'd like to introduce you to another person that's become part of my Panama family. Her name is Jessica Ramesch. For more than 15 years now, she's been International Living's eyes and ears on the ground in Panama.

She's the person you want on your side if you're thinking of making a move to Panama.

Because even though Panama is one of the world's easiest places to settle in, it's still a foreign country with different rules, regulations, options, and procedures than you may be used to.

Jessica Ramesch has been researching and reporting on Panama since 2006.

You'll need to get on the right legal track, for instance, with the resident visa that works best for you… You'll want to be sure you understand your best healthcare options… You'll have to decide where in the country you want to live, and if you'll rent or buy a home or apartment…

You'll want to decide whether or not to ship your household goods… to buy a car or not…what you'll do about insurance and taxes…how you'll manage your banking and financial needs…

You'll want to understand the rules for importing your pets to Panama…what kinds of vaccinations are needed…and on and on…

With something this important, you need reliable, up-to-date information you can count on, from a dependable, well-qualified resource. And that's Jessica.

Jessica was born in Panama but raised and attended university in the U.S. After traveling the world working in the cruise ship industry, she decided there was no place she'd rather live than Panama.

Jessica Ramesch is Your #1 Panama Expert in #1 Ranked Panama

Since 2006, it's been Jessica's job to travel Panama from east to west and north to south on behalf of IL readers, constantly on the lookout for ever-better places in Panama to invest, to live, and to play….

She has contacts in every area of the country and she's on top of all the technical and legal stuff…the processes and requirements for buying, renting, getting visas and residency, building, renovating, furnishing a home, moving your household goods, buying a car, bringing your pets, and so on…

She knows exactly how much it costs to live in the many different communities of Panama.

Jessica recently moved from Panama City to the beach area of Coronado. And based on her own experiences and the experiences of hundreds of other expats she's interviewed over the years, she has a number of insider tips and strategies to help you save both time and money when you visit or live in Panama yourself.

And if you think Panama may be the place for you, Jessica is committed to sharing her real-world, on-the-ground insights with you.

Your very best course of action, of course, would be to go to Panama in person and spend a couple of months kicking around the country with Jessica. (And we recommend that.)

But it would take about that long...months... for her to show you, firsthand, everything she's seen and everything she knows that can help you streamline your own move to Panama.

Spending time one-on-one with Jessica would certainly “fast track” your research, no question about it.

But, of course, that isn't a practical option. It's doubtful you have the time or inclination to spend months on the road right now. And think how much it would cost… Even though Panama is budget-priced, you'd soon rack up thousands of dollars in travel expenses.

So we asked Jessica to take her years and years of intensive research and asked her to create a personalized online virtual “relocation tour” of Panama.

It's a way for you to gain access to Jessica's incredibly comprehensive and truly rich depth of knowledge and get “plugged in” to everything you need to know. A way for you to see for yourself, from the comfort of your own home or office, all that Panama has to offer you.

It's an easy, streamlined, and most reliable way to get you from where you are now—to a better life in the prefect place in Panama that's exactly right for you.

This is Your Invitation to Go “On the Road” With Jessica, Panama's #1 Expert

No matter how many books you've read or online research you've done…and no matter how many times you may have visited…what you don't know about Panama may surprise you.

International Living has been reporting for decades now about the benefits Panama offers retirees—and over the last several years, Jessica has taken on the most in-depth research-gathering project International Living has ever mounted on Panama.

She's been challenged to dig deep…to round up all her insider intelligence and to assemble all this valuable information in one place…

It's a huge project we call Panama 101: Your Blueprint to a High-Quality, Low-Cost Lifestyle.

This has been no small undertaking. Even though Panama is a tiny country, it's big on opportunity.

In effect, Jessica has been working on this project for well more than a dozen years now…ever since she returned to Panama to live in 2006.

And take it from me, no one is better suited for this kind of challenge. Jessica is one of the most diligent and detail-oriented researchers I know. She digs deep. She doesn't take “no” or even “I don't know” for an answer. She answers the questions you don't even know to ask…

Best of all, she makes sure the facts are reliable and verifiable. You can be certain that what Jessica tells you is correct and current…and that's probably the most important element in all this…

Things change. Rules are adjusted. Laws are reformed. New policies are instituted. You can't always rely on what you read online in expat forums or on the internet. You need a trusted resource. And that's Jessica.

What she's put together is not just groundbreaking, it's almost overwhelming in its scope. It's a complete resource reference of everything you need to know about moving to, investing in, living in, and/or starting a business in Panama.

If you can name it, think of it, or wonder about it, Jessica has you covered. Every issue is addressed, every challenge is covered, and every question is answered.

Panama 101: Your Blueprint to a High-Quality, Low-Cost Lifestyle puts a huge amount of information, recommendations, tips, advice, and insights about living, traveling, and investing in Panama—one of the world's top retirement destinations—in one place…in living color…on video. I'll give you all the details of what it includes in just a moment.

It really is the next-best thing to exploring the country with Jessica in person. And it's the best way I know to not just “tell” you about all Panama has to offer, but to “show” you so you can see it with your own eyes…from the comfort of your home.

With Jessica and Panama 101 as Your Guide, See What Panama Offers You…and Watch Your Dollars Go Farther Than You Ever Thought Possible

I've already mentioned the overall low cost of living in Panama. It really is a bargain. When it comes to overall value—everything you get at such a low, low price tag—Panama is hard to beat.

Plus, it's a quality destination. Not to keep beating the drum, but it's a modern, First World environment with all the comforts of home. Still, it remains remarkably affordable. And it's very easy to make the transition to life in Panama.

Low health care and health insurance costs have something to do with that. After all, if you save $10,000 a year…or maybe even more…on your health insurance costs, that money can go far in Panama.

Housing costs, too, are low in Panama. You can buy a modern two-bedroom two-bath condo—in a building with a pool and gym and in a great neighborhood of Panama City—for just $145,000. Or a home in Panama's famous Coronado beach area—on the golf course—with three bedrooms, two-bathrooms, on a third-acre lot with a large sparkling pool, for just $349,000.

In Boquete, a three-bedroom, two-bath mountain home with gorgeous volcano view, is priced at just $145,000.

And rental prices are just as reasonable. In the countryside you might pay as little as $200 a month for a nicely updated home on a quiet acreage. In the city, $650 a month will get you a nice, modern 2-bedroom apartment in one of the city’s nicest neighborhoods.

It's easy to see how you'll get a huge drop in your cost of living when you move to Panama.

How Much Does It Cost to Live in Panama?

As Jessica says, if you focus on what's important you can live very well on a very low budget… She knows what she's talking about. No one knows the money-saving secrets and the low-cost hotspots of Panama like Jessica does.

Besides, she says, your “needs” will become simpler in Panama. And I can tell you from my personal experience how true that is. You can live comfortably with a lot less stuff.

Just to give you an idea of the average cost of living, here's an average monthly budget for a retired couple living in the interior of Panama, outside the more-expensive capital city. (You can expect to spend 20 to 40% more to live in the city):

Rent: $775
Electricity: $90
Propane (cooking and hot water): $6
Water and trash collection: $13
Maintenance/fuel for one car: $125
Internet: $28
Cellphone: $30
DirecTV (US channels): $43
Groceries/dining out: $585
Misc. $300
TOTAL: $1,995

As you might understand, your own cost of living will vary. If you buy a home and therefore don't pay rent, or you won't need a car, you can replace those costs with what will surely be lower home maintenance and public transportation costs. You may find a less-costly rental, especially if you look in smaller towns…

You may not spend as much on groceries or dining out…or you might spend more. This discretionary budget item is totally up to you.

And note that the miscellaneous budget item of $300 includes health insurance and more. You may or may not have those costs…again, it's up to you. Some expats spend more than this and some spend less.

But the point is: On this kind of average budget, a couple can live very comfortably in Panama.

The Low Cost of Living is Made Even Better With The World's Best Retirement Program

I mentioned before that one of the most important benefits drawing expats to Panama is the country's world-class Pensionado (retirement) Program. It was created for Panama's own retirees but is generously extended to anyone with a resident visa in Panama, age 55 or older for women and 60 for men.

As a pensionado in Panama, you're entitled to:

If you move to Panama with a Pensionado residence visa, you're also entitled to a one-time exemption from duties on the importation of your household goods (up to $10,000 value) and tax exemptions on the local purchase of a car.

All these discounts can greatly reduce your overall cost of living in Panama.

To give you an idea of how the discount can help with everyday costs, one expat says, “I can afford to eat out more often in Panama. Sit-down restaurants offer a 25% discount when you purchase a full meal. Fast food restaurants give a 15% discount. And I get hotel discounts of 50% off Monday through Thursday and 30% off for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. These discounts apply to the rack rate, so ask for them at the time of booking and make your reservations directly with the hotel instead of online.

For instance, she says, “I went for mid-week outing to the beach. I didn't even make a reservation beforehand but asked for my jubilado discount when I arrived at the hotel. I was told the rack rate was $95 so I was charged $47.50 plus tax for an overnight stay. Not bad for an ocean view room.”

Plus, you'll gets discounts on public transport…on domestic flights within the country and on international flights that originate in Panama… You'll get 15% off services in hospitals and private clinics. Medical doctor's fees are reduced by 20%. Dentists give a 15% discount. All doctor's prescriptions get a 10-20% discount, even including aspirin.

As my Panama expat friend says, “The entertainment discounts are great too. You can get 50% off tickets to movies, theaters and all sporting events like baseball games and soccer…so first-run movies that normally cost $6.50 set me back just $3.25. Your utility costs will be lower, too. Thanks to the Pensionado Program you'll get a hefty 25% discount on your monthly electric bill.”

What Can You Expect When It Comes to Panama's Excellent and Inexpensive Healthcare?

One big benefit to living in Panama is its excellent, inexpensive healthcare. The quality, particularly in the private system, is as good as what you'll find back home. And prices are low. They're a quarter to a half of what you'd pay in the U.S. for similar services.

Panama has two healthcare options: a public healthcare system—so-called nationalized health—and private healthcare. And if you're an expat with a valid residence visa for Panama, you can have access to both systems.

Best of all, with that resident visa in hand, you'll have access to affordable, comprehensive health insurance. One expat couple, living in the town of David, in Chiriquí province, say they spend just $145 a month for the two of them, for a worldwide health insurance that covers them in Panama and when they travel to other countries or back to the U.S.

They've only seen a doctor for minor issues, they say, but were impressed with both the quality of care and the costs. Office visits, they report, are just $12 without any insurance. And that's not a copay. It is the actual cost of the doctor's visit.

In Panama 101, Jessica covers all your options in detail, so you'll know which is best for you.

Worried about language issues? As Jessica explains, many doctors have received training in Europe, Canada, or the U.S. and they speak English.

Are You Ready to Discover How Easy, Enjoyable, and Affordable it Can Be To Live in Panama?

There's no better way to put yourself on the fast track to Panama than with Panama 101: Your Blueprint to a High-Quality, Low-Cost Lifestyle.

This comprehensive resource is not like anything else International Living has ever produced on Panama, and as far as we know, there's nothing else like it out there.

As I mentioned, Jessica Ramesch has been working on this for more than 15 years now. She's literally spent tens of thousands of hours on the ground in Panama, doing research, collecting data, conducting interviews, and more…

Family Beach
Imagine waking up to a view like this…every day. In Panama, you can. Let us show you how.

Not long ago, she went into the studio to assemble a comprehensive series of 13 professional videos to bring her research to life. You can see, feel, and almost touch and smell Panama.

You'll travel along with Jessica as she introduces you to several distinct areas of Panama…and the many communities in each of those that make for easy and affordable expat living.

And yes, you'll discover several little-known areas that Jessica believes are well worth your attention right now—one coastal area in particular.

These are places your fellow expats have yet to discover in large numbers. Prices are low and opportunities are sky high.

To make a point here, this is no static report. It's not a manual…or a website. Think of it more as a high-level “virtual conference,” but much better… You can access the videos online from the comfort of your home any time you like, and you'll get to see and hear directly from Jessica, our dedicated resource on the ground in Panama.

She's the best Panama expert we know and in Panama 101, she takes you by the hand and not only introduces you to “her” Panama, but she gives you the tools to make it “your Panama.”

Along with five in-depth “destination” videos, Jessica has produced eight more “need-to-know” videos with advice about Panama that will save you time, headaches and boatloads of money.

Here's just some of what's covered in Panama 101: Your Blueprint to a High-Quality, Low-Cost Lifestyle:

Importantly, you'll discover how to save money when you live in Panama. It's not just about shopping in the local farmer's markets or relying on those amazing Pensionado Program discounts… It has more to do with picking the right place to settle…choosing the right kind of home to live in, and so on…

Jessica offers all her expert tips and insights that will have you on a well-planned, streamlined course…

Best of all, she even provides a step-by-step Action Plan. If you've wondered or worried about how you might ever pull it all off…making a move of this type…worry no more.

If you're thinking of living in Panama…or spending some extended time there…maybe opening a business or just reinventing your life…Panama 101 is your very best resource.

It's the fastest, most efficient, most cost-effective way to get you ramped up so you can get from where you are now to the idyllic spot in Panama that's right for you.

And when you're ready to actually explore Panama firsthand for yourself, you'll be able to use your time wisely—because in essence, you'll have already been there, with Jessica as your guide.

You'll know where to go, who to contact, and the questions you'll need to ask.

When You Order Now, We'll Give You 7 Comprehensive Special Reports and a Complete Panama Resource Contact Rolodex.

These Are Not Available Anywhere Else

As Jessica was taping the videos she created for Panama 101: Your Blueprint to a High-Quality, Low-Cost Lifestyle, she discovered there were a few topics that required some extra lengthy reporting…too much to record on video.

So those have been assembled in a series of special reports—delivered electronically to get them into your hands as quickly as possible. We'll send them to you now, today—for FREE, with our complements—when you order Panama 101 now.

This is the kind of reliable, actionable information you'll definitely want at your fingertips as you prepare for your move to Panama:

Special Report #1: Panama Scouting Trip itineraries and Travel Guide. If you've got one week, two weeks, a month or more to spend in Panama, you'll want this guide. Jessica and her Panama team have planned all the details for you…from how to travel around to where to stay—hotels, short-term rentals and much more. You'll also discover where to play…dine…and more…even the popular hangouts where you can meet expats who may someday be your neighbors. Live links to websites and contact information is all there for your easy access. Nowhere else can you get this kind of valuable, all-inclusive information.

Special Report #2: How They Did It: Meet Happy Panama Expats. Speaking of expats, sometimes it just takes a little motivation. That's exactly what you'll get in this special report. You'll meet expats in many different areas of Panama, all living their dream lives under the tropical sun. They explain exactly how they did it (and how you can, too) and they share personal details you couldn't get unless you quizzed them yourself… Find out what they do for healthcare, how much they spend on a daily and monthly basis, what they do in their free time, and much, much more.

Special Report #3: Practical Matters: Taxes, Cost of Living, Residence, Moving Your Household Goods and Pets, and Doing Business in Panama. Yes, Jessica covers all this in the video series, but as you can see from the lengthy title, this special report digs deep. You'll get comprehensive sample budgets and money-saving tips, a detailed tax primer, a full explanation of various visa options and a legal resource rolodex. And if you plan to move with pets or children, or you're thinking of starting your dream business in Panama, do not leave home without this special report.

Special Report #4: Spotlight on the High-Quality, Low-Cost Healthcare in Panama. This comprehensive report explains the differences between Panama's excellent public and private healthcare systems and can help you make an educated decision about what to do for your personal healthcare needs when you move there. You'll get all the details, including typical costs. There's also a rundown of the best private hospitals in the country and a list of some of the best local insurance providers—with full contact information. There's even a list of questions to ask about insurance policies you may be considering.

Special Report #5: The Guide to Renting a Home or Buying a Property in Panama. When you move to Panama, you'll need a place to live. And whether you rent or buy, that means contracts. Word to the wise: Do not sign a rental or purchase contract without first reading this crucial information. Everything is covered…from typical costs and how to find a rental to what to look for in a reliable real estate agent, the correct process for registering a deed, and much more.

Special Report #6: Something for Everyone: An In-Depth look at Panama's Regions. If you want insider information about areas of Panama that offer a combination of livability, affordability, beauty, convenience, and affordability—you'll find it within the 30 pages of this special report. All the “personalities” of these locales are sliced and diced for you. You're sure to find a hidden gem that's perfect for you.

AND Special Report #7: Your Panama Rolodex and Resource Guide. This is another document you won't want to leave home without. You'll find 17 pages of resources that you can rely on to help streamline your scouting trip and your move to Panama. Websites, email addresses, phone numbers, costs for services…it's all there…from accommodation and restaurants to airlines and shuttle services…to attorney, healthcare providers, moving/shipping and real estate contacts, language schools and much more, including handy travel apps you can load on your phone or tablet to make navigating your way around Panama as easy and inexpensive as possible.

All You Need to Do Now is Place Your Order—and SAVE

If you wanted to track down all the intelligence we hand over in Panama 101: Your Blueprint to a High-Quality, Low-Cost Lifestyle, you could probably do that.

But it would take an investment of many months…likely a dozen years or more, in fact. That's how long Jessica has been at it.

And you'd have to pull thousands of dollars out of your pocket.

In the many years that Jessica has been traveling the width and length of Panama she's racked up tens of thousands of dollars in expenses for airfares, bus fares, car rentals, gasoline, overnight hotel stays, meals, and more.

She's spent hours upon hours…more than 15 years…interviewing attorneys and healthcare professionals, real estate experts, insurance and shipping experts, and more…including hundreds of expats in every corner of Panama.

To be honest, on your own you'd have a very difficult time tracking down all these people…and accumulating all the intelligence Jessica has amassed.

My point: Panama 101 delivers insider access…

It hands you on-the-ground solutions that would cost you—at a minimum—$10,000 to gather on your own.

Probably more like twice that. (Jessica has spent far more than that on this project already.)

But you don't have to spend that kind of money…no way.

Jessica has done all the work for you, and I am certain it will save you time and a ton of money.

We could reasonably ask $1,500 or more for this program, which reveals expert tips and secrets about Panama you won't find anyplace else.

If we were to offer the 13 videos separately (and for sure, we could—they're that good), they'd retail for $39 each. Some for even more. That's a total value of at least $507.

And remember, for no additional cost, we're giving you seven special reports. Any one of these could retail for at least $49 each. That's another added value of $343 or more.

(The Rolodex and Resource Guide is in itself invaluable. Think how much time and money you'd spend doing online research, making phone calls, and pounding the pavement to find these dependable local contacts on your own. And the Scouting Trip Itineraries and Travel Guide… I assure you this are the easiest, quickest, and most reliable way to plan your own check-out trip to Panama. It's all there for you. No extra work for you to do. No second guessing or costly mistakes.)

Even though the retail value of this program is $850, we won't charge you anywhere near that for access…even though it's worth every penny.

In fact, we'll offer you a special discount right now.

We're pricing this comprehensive program at an already discounted $499.

We know there is lots of interest in top-ranked Panama right now, and we'll make you this special one-time offer.

You save more than 50 percent off that already discounted amount right now.

We'll give you Panama 101: Your Blueprint to a High-Quality, Low-Cost Lifestyle for just $249. That's far less than half the value of the 13 videos alone. And remember, we're throwing in the SEVEN SPECIAL COMPANION REPORTS, that complement the comprehensive videos, for FREE.

But please order Panama 101 now, because in just a few days, the price goes up.

Now's the time to take advantage of this special savings deal. Should you decide to ask for a refund, you've got a full 30 days to do it.

Click Here Now to Order Panama 101: Your Blueprint to a High-Quality, Low-Cost Lifestyle

As you know, there's only so much you can absorb when you're reading about and researching a place. You do a “Google search” and tens of thousands of links come up. It's so hard to know whose opinion to trust. And the sheer volume of information can be overwhelming.

But that's what makes Panama 101 so special—and so useful. Jessica Ramesch shares her real-world insights directly with you via video. She cuts right to the chase, right there in living color, and she answers every question you have about Panama, the world’s top retirement destination.

I guarantee it.

In fact, place you order now and you'll be in line for…


Here's how I'm so sure Panama 101 will answer all your questions: We compiled the most commonly asked questions about life in Panama. And, I’ll also give you access to that special Q&A Session I hosted with Jessica where she answered those questions in detail.

You can refer to this special “Panama 101 Maestro Session” any time you like.

As Always, Your Satisfaction is Triple Guaranteed—There is No Risk for You

Guarantee # 1—I guarantee this Panama 101 will help you find the perfect Panama lifestyle that's right for you. A place where you can live better than ever… stretch your retirement dollars… and have the time and funds to travel, relax, and enjoy life…

Guarantee # 2—I guarantee it will deliver the real-world solutions you need to get from where you are now to where you want to be…so that in just a handful of months, you could have "boots on the ground" in a part of Panama you love. But if you feel the solutions we offer aren't for you, we'll give you a full refund. In other words, the risk is all ours.

Guarantee # 3—Should you decide to ask for a refund, you've got a full 30 days to do it. If you don't feel that Panama 101: Your Blueprint to a High-Quality, Low-Cost Lifestyle will help you to a new life in Panama, just let us know and we'll refund every penny. That's how confident we are in the depth and breadth of information this mega-resource provides.

The warm, welcome of Panama…the laidback lifestyle, the lower cost of living…but with all the modern pleasures and amenities at hand…

All this makes Panama hard to beat.

The good news, of course, is that it's all within your grasp. You don't need millions in the bank to capitalize on the opportunities in Panama—one of the best-value retirement options you'll find. With so much to offer.

In Panama, you can have the life you've been dreaming of…

If you're looking to be close to home…yet far from the turmoil, stress, and skyrocketing expenses you'll find in the States these days…and instead, live amidst friends and neighbors that will welcome you with open arms…where you can actually afford top-quality healthcare…have access to farm-fresh, healthy food…and a great year-round climate…all with an amazingly low cost of living…

You'll find all that and more in Panama.

And in Panama 101: Your Blueprint to a High-Quality, Low-Cost Lifestyle, Jessica Ramesch shows you exactly how to make it happen…how you can settle into a far better, more affordable, healthier life and do it seamlessly, enjoyably, confidently…

Find out for yourself why Panama is the world’s best retirement destination...

Think about it: A handful of months from now, you could be sitting on your own terrace, a hot cup of rich Panamanian coffee or a frosty, delicious cerveza in hand, watching the sun play against the mountains or set over the gorgeous blue ocean…

I hope you'll let us show you how…just click below now and we'll get you started.

Click Here Now to Order Panama 101: Your Blueprint to a High-Quality, Low-Cost Lifestyle


Dan Prescher

Dan Prescher,
Senior Editor, International Living
July 2022

P.S. If you have any doubt that Panama offers a top-quality lifestyle—at a very affordable price—your mind will definitely be changed after you've sifted through the 13 professional videos and the seven comprehensive special reports, including the hefty resource rolodex, that make up Panama 101: Your Blueprint to a High-Quality, Low-Cost Lifestyle.

(And be sure to send us your follow-up questions and be watching your e-mails for details of the special Q&A Session hosted by Jessica Ramesch just a couple weeks from now.)

If you've always loved the idea of retiring in real comfort…where you don't have to worry about rising healthcare costs and crime rates, out-of-control government spending or crazy politics…

Then I encourage you to take a look at Panama 101: Your Blueprint to a High-Quality, Low-Cost Lifestyle. It was created with you in mind.

Follow the blueprint Jessica has created for you. Let her introduce you to the special places she's discovered. Let her share her expert insights with you and help you shave months…even years…off your learning curve.

Panama 101: Your Blueprint to a High-Quality, Low-Cost Lifestyle is like taking a whirlwind investment and lifestyle tour of Panama. Only instead of paying thousands of dollars for the travel fees and expert advice, we hand it all to you right there in the comfort of your own home for just $249 when you take advantage of this first-access offer and order your Panama 101: Your Blueprint to a High-Quality, Low-Cost Lifestyle now.

Remember, there's no risk to you. You have our 30-day 100% Money-Back Guarantee.

But act now. This offer expires soon.

Click Here Now to Order Panama 101: Your Blueprint to a High-Quality, Low-Cost Lifestyle