Join America’s Personal Finance Expert for a One-Time Only,
LIVE Online Event:

“Create a Monthly Passive Income Schedule”

In About 5 Hours On September 30, I’ll Show You How I Plan to Capture Monthly Hands-Free Retirement Cash Payouts 24,950%... 33,700%... 47,000% Bigger Than the Returns Offered by America’s Largest Bank!

-Jeff Opdyke

Dear Reader…

Hi, I’m Jeff Opdyke.

If you’re worried about taking money OUT in retirement after a lifetime of putting money in…

You’ll want to pay special attention.

Because I’m going to help give you the peace of mind you’re looking for.

For 17 years, I was The Wall Street Journal’s Personal Finance Expert.

In fact, I literally wrote the book on the subject while I was there.

Today, I run The Global Intelligence Letter where I show everyday folks how to navigate the crazy world of investing.

Especially crazy in these strange economic times.

And here’s the thing.

In my work, I get all kinds of questions regarding investing and personal finance.

But by far…

The biggest question I get is:

“Jeff, how do I create a passive income for myself in retirement… so I don’t have to worry about running
out of cash!?”

I’ve thought long and hard about this.

Because the quickest and simplest answer is to have a huge nest egg.

Think about it…

If you’ve got $5 million in the bank, and you earn even a paltry 2% a year, that’s $100,000 in passive income.

So that’s the easy answer.

But what if…just if... you don’t have $5 million in the bank? (A shocking thought, I know.)

The recommended amount for an average, “ho-hum” retirement in America is $1.25 million, according to a recent study!

Which means even if you were able to eek out a 4% return, that would equal a passive retirement income of $50,000 per year. And that’s before taxes.

Even with a million in the bank, you’d end up with less than $50K to live on after Uncle Sam takes his cut.

(And even less than that after inflation takes its toll!)

Now, let’s talk about the elephant in the room…

Most people haven’t saved up that kind of money.

And it’s not their fault.

After all…

How are you supposed to save even half of that, when the cost of groceries keeps skyrocketing, along with gas, and other day-to-day essentials?

Not to mention, unexpected medical emergencies, home repairs, and more.

It’s almost an impossible task to save up the amounts these retirement “experts” recommend.

Especially when you consider real wages haven’t gone up in decades.

But there is a silver lining.

Especially if you haven’t saved up a lot of money for retirement.

Or you’ve saved some up, but are worried it’ll run out.

The fact is:

Your quality of life during retirement isn’t so much about socking away as much money as you can…

It’s about maximizing income.

If you have a decent amount of income coming in, you can maintain your current quality of life (or better) for as long as you want - without depleting your nest egg.

That’s why if we all had $5 million in cash sitting in a bank account making 2%... most of us would be fine living on that $100,000 in interest payments.

Even after taxes.

But again…

Most folks don’t have a cool $5 million laying around.

And even if they did…

Have you seen what banks actually pay these days?

Take Bank of America for example. One of the largest banks in the country.

They pay you an underwhelming 0.04% per year.

And that’s if you deposit at least $250,000 or more.

Don’t have that kind of cash?

You’ll have to settle for just 0.01%.

Yes, that’s one one-hundredth of a percent.

Which means even with an opening balance of $100,000…

You’d collect $10 worth of interest payouts over an entire year.

Ten dollars!

It’s criminal.

Especially when you consider you’ve technically “lent” them that $100,000… so they can go out and lend it, invest it, and make 100 to 500 times the rate they pay you.

And a certificate of deposit isn’t much better.

The national average?

Hold onto your hat… 1.72% for a one-year term.

Even with $1 million, you’re looking at $17,200 per year before taxes.

Again, not exactly a “living wage.”

It’s ridiculous.

So I’m going to help you do something about it.

On September 30, I’m going to show you how to play the game smarter.

I’ll show you the 8 passive retirement income investments you can make immediately to build a passive income in retirement AND grow your savings by as much as 470x the monthly returns you're getting at your bank!

And you could start building an income portfolio with as little as $500!

Which means even if you don’t have millions sitting in the bank…

You can do this, and create a dependable income for yourself in retirement.

I’ll give you all the details on how to lock in your spot and attend in just a moment.

First, I want to make sure we’re on the same page by what I mean when I say passive income.

The Big LIE About “Passive” Income
(Let’s Set The Record Straight)

Let’s face it.

There are a LOT of opportunities out there that claim to give you passive income.

But in truth, most of them require a LOT of work.

For example, say you’ve got investment real estate.

They tell you it’s a great way to invest your money to generate monthly checks.

And sure, it can be.


A tenant doesn’t pay their rent and decides to “squat” in your property rent-free for months until you can go through all the proper legal channels to have them move out…

A big storm comes through and damages the roof and you’ve got to foot the repair bill for a crew to come out and fix it ASAP…

It’s no longer passive.

It requires a lot of work, plus many potential headaches.

That’s just real estate.

You’ve got other opportunities that are promoted as passive income - like creating an online course, creating YouTube videos, or even owning a vending machine business…

But is it truly passive income?

The answer is a big fat NO.

You’ve got to put in a lot of blood, sweat, and tears in setting things up.

Whether it’s creating a course in the first place, filming content for your channel, or buying the vending machines and calling up stores and malls to see where you can set them up…

It’s all a lot of work. Where a lot of things can go wrong, even before you’ve seen a penny deposited into your bank account.

Let’s say you got past that initial phase. Things are up and running.

Now you’ve got to maintain them constantly.

With a course, you’ve got to constantly do marketing. Otherwise, that “passive income” dries up.

With YouTube videos or other kinds of content creation, you have to keep pumping out content, day in and day out.

If you don’t?

The money slows down to a trickle.

With vending machines or any other kind of “passive income” business, you’ll have to deal with theft, vandalism, inventory issues, maintenance, customer service, and more.

Bottom line:

Most of the opportunities out there masquerading as passive income are actually JOBS in disguise that will steal your time, money, and energy.

The 3 Pillars of TRUE Passive Income

So if most of what’s out there isn’t truly passive income, what is?


A real passive income source has three important qualities:

  • Set it and forget it. Once you’ve established your passive income source, your investment runs on autopilot and requires virtually no oversight on your part. That means no dealing with tenants who don’t pay, or do any kind of regular marketing.
  • Steady and Predictable: Your passive income stream needs to be stable and predictable, not influenced by demand, angry customers, etc. It also needs to flow into your bank account in the same amounts (or greater), regardless of how many hours you “put in”...
  • Very Low Maintenance: Occasional check-ins might be needed, but it doesn't demand frequent interventions, like all the other kinds of “passive income” opportunities absolutely DO require.

Now here’s a very simple way to know whether or not you’re dealing with a true way to build passive income…

The “Beach Bum” Test

Imagine you've booked a three-month stay on a gorgeous island paradise.

Your days will be filled with sunbathing, snorkeling, swimming with the dolphins, fine dining, thrilling adventures, and more.

Any kind of work is not allowed.

(In fact, you purposely picked a place with no Wi-Fi… so it’s just waves, sun, and fun)!

Now here’s the main question to ask yourself:

“Would this income stream keep filling my bank account as my tan deepens?”

If it passes the “beach bum”, test then it’s truly passive income.

I personally vetted each and every opportunity to invest in building passive income for our upcoming Retirement Income Masterclass.

I’ll be sharing EIGHT ways you can create passive income for yourself, now and in retirement.

And yes…

Each of these 8 ways passes the “beach bum” test with flying colors!

In fact, let me show you what’s possible…

This Passive Income Stream Has the Potential to Hand You Payouts 470x Bigger Than the Monthly Returns You’re Getting at Your Bank! –

 Like Clockwork

Starting with as little as $500…

You’ll have what you need to set up your very first passive income stream.

Don’t worry.

This doesn’t require any “work” or setting up a business, or any regular maintenance.

In fact…

It’s one of the BEST “beach bum” income streams out there. Because it grows over time, without you needing to lift a finger.

Even better:

You can set it all up in about 7 minutes.

Let me explain…

Major corporations “give away” BILLIONS every year to the general public.

Literally, billions.

That you, me, or anyone else can lay claim to.

It’s so much money, even the New York Times says:

They’re right.

It’s estimated that just last year, the private sector paid out about $561 BILLION.

Why would they do that?


It seems crazy, but when huge corporations make huge profits in any given year, they often prefer to hand those out to you and me rather than keeping them in their accounts…

This is money they send out like clockwork.

All to individuals who invest.

I’m already collecting my piece of the pie.

I started more than a decade ago.

Now, I’d like to show how you can get started with this too.

That’s why in my Retirement Income Masterclass, I’ll explain why corporations give this money away.

Then, I’ll show you how it’s possible to start with as little as $500…

… and set up your own monthly passive income schedule.

Have a little more cash sitting in a lousy savings account, making 0.01% interest? Maybe $10,000 or even $35,000? Or more?

You could end up with a monthly return 958 times greater in 100%, true passive income.

That’s money you’ll never have to ever lift a finger for again…

Just think…

You could take off for a couple of weeks to the beach …

You can explore the world, travel more often…

You could surprise the family with a nice dinner … spoil the grandkids… and more.

Because you’ll have peace of mind this money will keep coming in… and can keep building up your nest egg.

It’ll come in steadily, and consistently.

And will be income you can count on. 

And here’s something you may find surprising…

Using history as our guide, the private sector tends to increase these passive income payouts.

So there’s the possibility you could see those amounts hitting your bank account go up over time.

Pretty great, right?

But we’re only getting started…

Because I’ve got SEVEN more ways for you to build a truly passive income.

And like I mentioned before, these pass the “beach bum” test with flying colors.

Like this next one, for example:

Never Wrote a Hit Song or Patented an Invention?

No Problem!

… Here’s How You Can Start Collecting “Royalty” Payouts, Anyway!

It used to be that inventors and hit songwriters were the ones who made a killing via royalties.

For example, every holiday season, it’s estimated Mariah makes a cool $3 million in royalties.

All from her mega holiday hit - “All I Want for Christmas Is You.”

Wouldn’t it be nice if YOU could collect regular “royalty” payments?

You can…

(And you won’t have to write a hit song to do it).

That’s because there’s a very little-understood way to invest to own an asset… and collect your share of the royalties.

Year after year.

You don’t have to take my word for it.

Business Insider agress, calling it:

Though that may be a bit of an understatement.

Especially when you consider this is like buying and owning part of a toll road.

Millions of cars drive on it every month.

Every time a car uses your road, they’ve got to stop and go through a toll booth and pay.

Which means…

Because you own part of the toll road, you get to collect your share of ALL the monthly toll proceeds.

Of course, I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t tell you that owning any investment – including this toll road-like investment that spins off passive income – doesn’t come without any risk.

The toll road might need repairs. Or laws can change that could change how much money your toll road could make.

Which ultimately means your initial investment in that asset can go down in value.

But the truth is, in life, risk is everywhere.

Getting in your car to drive somewhere has risk…

Getting married is risky (nearly half of all marriages end in divorce).

Heck, even walking is risky! Nearly 1 million people a year end up hurting themselves through a slip and fall accident.

But just because there’s risk, doesn’t mean you stop living right?

Often, the risk is worth the potential reward.

And it’s absolutely the case with this particular way of creating passive retirement income. But never invest more than you can afford to lose.

Because when you’re collecting all those tolls as a toll road owner, those royalties can *really* add up.

A quick example…

Just one “asset” investors could take ownership of, paid out annual royalties 240% bigger than the returns offered by the biggest bank in America!


For every $1,000 paid out annually by a Chase CD, investors would instead expect to receive $2,400 from the royalties asset.

If you compared it to $10,000 from the CD? That’s $24,000 from the royalties asset instead.

And if investors expected $100,000 from the CD? Instead, they’d be looking at a cool $240,000 from this asset.

In fact, I’ll be including “royalties assets” in the passive income portfolio I’ll build during the Masterclass.

For the whole portfolio, I’ll use $100,000 as a sample starting stake so it’s easy to follow.

I’ll structure the portfolio so it works with less ($10k, for example) or more.

And you could get started with as little as $500. 


This is money that automatically gets sent to you on a regular schedule.

You don’t have to lift a finger after your initial investment.

And it’s why I’ll be sharing how you can get started collecting these regular “royalty” payouts during our time together in the Retirement Income Masterclass.

Even if all you got from it were these two ways to set up your passive income streams, I think it would be more than worth it.

After all…

With just income play #1, it’s possible you could be looking at a monthly passive income return 958 times greater than you get from your bank…

And 362x more with income play #2.

But again, that’s just TWO of the EIGHT (!!) passive income plays I want to share with you.

How to Collect ”Rent” –  Without Owning
ANY Real Estate!

Here’s another great passive income stream:

“Rent” checks!

I mentioned earlier that often, real estate investing gets touted as a great way to collect passive income.


What doesn’t get mentioned is all the work involved in managing tenants, keeping your units occupied with folks who pay their rent on time, maintenance, and more.


What if you could collect “rent” checks… and never have to worry about all of that?

What if there were a way to practically be guaranteed that the tenants would always pay?

Good news:

There is.

Because there’s a certain kind of investment you can make right now, where in essence, YOU become one of Uncle Sam’s landlords.

This means they have to pay their rent on time (which of course, they will).

So you don’t have to worry about late payments, maintenance costs, or anything like that.

And if you want to boost your income even further…

You can expand your real estate “empire” beyond the US government, and start collecting “rent” from other big-name companies and retailers.

This may be a bit more risky than only having Uncle Sam as your tenant, but the payouts could more than make up for taking on that extra risk.

But again, with this - you don’t have to lift a finger.

All the property management, rent collection, etc. gets done for you.

The fee for that convenience is about 10%, which means you and anyone else who has a stake gets a share of 90% of the profits.

Not a bad deal if you ask me.

And on September 30, I’ll be showing you exactly how all this works, so you can start collecting this “rent” too.

In fact…

You’ll Learn 8 Different “Retirement Income Plays” that Can Seriously Boost Your Income Right Now

You’ve already had a small glimpse of what’s in store during the Retirement Income Masterclass.

But it’s just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

I’ve got a whole lot more I want to cover, to ensure you get EVERYTHING I know about creating true passive income.

The kind that passes the “beach bum” test with ease.

For example…

  • A little-known “Certificate of Deposit” that pays out 14% a year (that’s more than 3 TIMES what your bank will pay you)…
  • The one kind of account you can open that gives you safety, like buying bonds… but with stock-like upside so you can “double dip” and earn an income while your initial capital grows (this is something the wealthy use ALL the time)...
  • The “Canadian Income Plan” that taps into an underrated way to grow your money AND collect income at the same time…
  • The one kind of retirement income play that’s super-safe, protects you from inflation, and also rewards you with extra cash in your account A true win-win!
  • And more…

Each of these plays could be a gamechanger for your retirement, with income that comes in with the predictability of a sunrise.

If you ask me…

There’s no reason why you shouldn’t set up at least one of these passive income streams.

Mainly because as I’ve already said…

This is True
 “Set It and Forget It” Income

Now, you should know that setting up your own monthly passive income schedule does require an investment up front.

As I mentioned earlier, as little as $500.

And as you probably already know, with any kind of investment, there’s always the risk of loss and you should only invest what you can afford to lose

For example, say you buy a house that you decide to rent out. There’s always the chance the house goes down in value.

But by the same token, it means there can be a great reward.

Your initial investment could also go up in value. All while still handing you a passive income.

You’ll recall that earlier I told you about the “beach bum” test.

The main reason?

Because there are very few TRUE ways to create passive income.

I believe I’ve found most - if not all - of them (that are accessible to everyday folks like you and me).

And it’s why I want to share them with you on September 30.

After all…

I spent 17 years as a top personal finance expert for The Wall Street Journal.

I’ve seen firsthand how a little bit of knowledge can go a loooong way.

And if I can show you how to boost your monthly passive income by 249 times what you’d get at America’s largest bank…

I’ve succeeded.

Because the truth is…

No one should have to worry about “surviving” in retirement.

You’ve put in the work.

You’ve paid your dues.

It’s called your “Golden Years” for a reason.

Those retirement years should be a time to explore… to have fun… to do the things you never had the time or space to do -

Like learning how to play the guitar…

Learning how to speak Spanish…

Traveling to Paris, Prague, or Portugal…

Having adventures… and ultimately feeling more “alive” than ever before.

However, the stark reality is…

To make all this possible you need income.

You don’t need to be stressing over taking money out of that nest egg.

And that’s why I’m holding the Retirement Income Masterclass.

So I can share with you the same strategies of the uber-wealthy… the same ones they use to create income for themselves.

It’s a way to level the playing field…

…  by revealing these secrets that most folks simply aren’t aware of (but are available to them at any time)

Now that said, this may not be for everyone…

Who Is This Masterclass For?

This will be a perfect fit for you if you’re a forward thinker.

You’re someone who wants peace of mind and financial independence during retirement.

(And if you’re already retired, or a “late starter” in terms of savings… I'm looking for the kind of person who has a “can do” attitude and wants to CREATE that peace of mind ASAP!).

The Retirement Income Masterclass is also for you if you’ve spent a lifetime saving diligently, only to wonder if it’ll be enough.

So if the thought of drawing from your savings gives you anxiety, this Masterclass will show you ways to keep that precious nest egg intact, while you “live it up” with your passive income.

Basically, I want folks who are committed to creating passive income, so they can relax and enjoy their retirement.

You’ve got to be able to follow simple directions.

You need to have an open mind.

And you’ll need a little money to get started. Ideally, about $500 so you can begin building out your passive income schedule. How much you could make depends on how much you have to invest.

So if that sounds like you…

And you’re even the least bit intrigued by the idea of putting your money to “work” for you… rather than the other way around…

… and you want to set up income streams that won’t require you to do much at all to have them keep coming in (and growing)...

… then this event IS for you.

I will say this:

What this event will *not* be is a magic pill or “get rich quick” type of experience.

So if you’re looking for that, please do *not* join the Retirement Income Masterclass, and let someone else take your spot.

What You Can Expect

If you’re still reading, I have to assume you meet all the criteria and the Retirement Income Masterclass is a perfect fit for you.


Because this will be an eye-opening event for you.

You’ll need to clear your calendar for a few hours on September 30.

Be sure you have no distractions around you, and you have something to take notes with.

Because we’re going to redefine your financial future!

This isn’t just another boring old class.

This is a blueprint to building a consistent and predictable passive income for yourself.

One that can only grow from here… and support you in retirement.

I will GIVE you the eight “passive retirement income plays” you can implement immediately with your money.

And as you saw earlier…

We’re talking anywhere from 249x to 470x bigger than the monthly returns offered by America’s largest bank.

That’s a 47,000% boost!

The more of these “retirement income plays” you put into action, the bigger your potential passive income.

It’s really that simple.

And as I mentioned earlier, many of these strategies are things the world’s wealthiest families have been doing for ages.

It’s how they’re able to weather economic uncertainty, stock market crashes, and more.

Because they’ve got income coming in, no matter what.

So I want to even the playing field, and show you how to join them.

Because I believe EVERYONE deserves to enjoy themselves in retirement.

That’s why I’ll be pulling back the curtain on all these strategies.

So are you ready to transform your financial future?

Do you want to learn how the world’s wealthiest stay that way, and how you can join them by using the very same strategies they do?

If so…

I want to personally invite you to join me online on September 30 for an afternoon that could change your life - and retirement - for the better.


I’ll tell you exactly how you can lock in your spot in just a moment.

Before I do, I want to tell you about a few additional “gifts” you’ll be receiving when you take part in my Retirement Income Masterclass

Ensure a Lifetime of Passive Income with Access to this BONUS Library…

During the Retirement Income Masterclass, you’ll learn the 8 different ways you can create passive retirement income.

But in order to truly maximize the income you get, I want to “arm” you with everything you need to know.

That’s why I’m giving you access to this bonus library.

It will make things even easier for you, and help you get set up faster.

Take a look:

SPECIAL BONUS #1: "The Peaceful Sleep Portfolio”

Even though having 8 different ways to create passive income streams for yourself is great, it can be a lot when you’re first getting started.

Which should you set up first?

How much could you expect to make?

How do you optimize it all, so you’re making the most money possible?


“The Peaceful Sleep Portfolio.”

I’ve gone ahead and created a model portfolio. It’ll be as if I was setting it all up for the very first time.

You’ll see exactly how I’d set things up to maximize your passive retirement income, grow your nest egg (Safely), and ultimately have peace of mind.

Now you’ll have no excuse not to go and set up your first few passive income streams immediately after our time together.

Remember, there are many ways for you to create passive income. It’s just a matter of taking action.

And “The Peaceful Sleep Portfolio” makes it easier to take that first step.

SPECIAL BONUS #2: “How I’m Generating Passive Income with This Surprising Investment (26% in 4 Months!)”

At that start of the year, I began a project to generate passive income from this one surprising investment.

It’s something I’ve researched heavily over the past two years…

And I’ve come to the conclusion it’s by far one of the best ways to create instant passive income - even if you only have $200 - $500 to start out with.

A quick example…

As a test, I put some money into this investment a few months ago… and so far (in 4 months) have received 26.87% in passive income from it.

Not bad, right?

In this free report, I explain it all - what this investment is, why it pays such great passive income, why you don’t need a lot of money to get started, and more.

SPECIAL BONUS #3: The Pay No Tax Manual

Once you set up one or more of the passive income streams you’ll learn about during my Retirement Income Masterclass

you’ll need to consider the tax implications.

After all, you could end up making a LOT more money than you were expecting.

Which means Uncle Sam will want his cut.

That’s why I’d like to open your mind to the possibility of significantly reducing your taxes.

After all…

You’ve worked hard for your money. There’s no need to give the IRS any more than is legally necessary.

So many people end up paying far more than they should…

And it’s because they’re not aware of all the strategies available to them.

Who can blame them? The tax code is needlessly complicated and hard to understand.

But that’s why I’m including this guide.

For example, did you know that two and half hours from Miami, there’s a town on a white sand beach? A town where you'll pay zero capital gains and dividends tax.

That’s why we’ve brought in a true tax expert, to share with you the many different strategies you will want to consider, in order to seriously reduce the amount of taxes you pay each year.

And with all the passive income you’ll be making, you’ll definitely want to think about implementing a few of these strategies!

Here’s Everything You Get When You Save Your Spot Today for The Retirement Income Masterclass:

As soon as you lock in one of the available spots, you’ll be set to get:

  • All 8 passive retirement income strategies that pass the “beach bum” test and can be set up immediately (in many cases, it’s just as easy as setting up an online checking account!).
  • A complete overview of each type of investment, including the ins and outs, what to look out for, the best way to set things up, what I would do if I was getting started, and more…
  • Other world-class ideas on how to further boost your passive retirement income…
  • All the tools, resources, and handouts, so you know exactly where to go to get started and the “next steps” to take…
  • SPECIAL BONUS #1: "The Peaceful Sleep Portfolio"
  • SPECIAL BONUS #2: “How I’m Generating Passive Income with This Surprising Investment (26% in 4 Months!)”
  • SPECIAL BONUS #3: "The Pay No Tax Manual"

In all, you’re getting 8 different ways to set up a passive retirement income for yourself.

You could choose to set up one, two, or all eight!

And remember, even if you wanted just $100 a month from a CD at America’s largest bank, you’d need to start with a whopping $6 million!

Yet just one of these retirement income assets gets you there with $12,500.

Money you didn’t have to lift a finger for.

That’s why asking $5,000 to attend this Masterclass wouldn’t be unreasonable.

After all -

Who wouldn’t want to get as much as 470x the monthly returns you’re getting at your bank?

That’s an investment I’d take every single time, without question.

But given how things are in the economy right now…

… and with all the uncertainty around us…

I want to make sure you’re armed with the information you need, to set yourself up well. So you can have peace of mind during your retirement.

Limited-time special offer

Save Nearly 50% When You Sign Up

That’s why when you lock in your spot to attend now, your virtual seat in the room isn’t $5,000...

… or even $2,500.

It’s just $1,500 to attend.


If you take action right now…

You can save nearly 50%.

Which means you can save your spot to attend the upcoming Retirement Income Masterclass for just $797

…to set yourself with a lifetime of passive retirement income.

Income from monthly hands-free retirement cash payouts 24,950% ... 33,700% ... 47,000% bigger than the returns offered by America’s largest bank.

Surely, investing a couple of dollars per day over the next year, is worth potentially setting yourself up to receive thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars in passive income?

I sincerely hope so.

But you’ll have to act fast.

To get this discounted price I need to hear from you immediately.

Given all the demand I see for ways to build passive income from readers in my emails, I expect seats to sell out quickly.

Enroll in the Retirement Income Masterclass for just $797.

Yes! I want to learn how to set up 8 different passive retirement income streams. Please secure my spot in The Retirement Income Masterclass

The Time To Start Building Your
Passive Retirement Income Is Now

You’ve probably heard the old adage:

"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now."

I couldn’t agree more.

So whether you’ve spent an entire lifetime saving…

… or you’re a “late starter” and need to play catch up ASAP to ensure you’ve got a decent retirement…

Now is the time to start building your passive income.


It’s not so much about how much you’ve saved (although, yes, it helps)...

What ultimately decides the quality of your retirement and what you can and can’t do, is the income you have coming in.

Whether that’s from your savings…

Or from other sources.

Let me show you the way.

You’ll learn 8 different passive income streams you can set up quickly and easily.

And remember…

As part of the Retirement Income Masterclass, you also get your bonus library, including the “Peaceful Sleep Portfolio” which is your roadmap to maximizing your passive income from the get-go.

What could all that extra money do for a better retirement?

How much peace of mind will you have, knowing you can cover some (if not all) of your expenses in retirement with the passive income streams that you set up now, as a result of attending this Masterclass?

How good will it feel to know you got things handled, so you barely have to dip into those savings, if at all?

That’s why…

If you like money, and you want to have more of it coming in during retirement (without having to do much)...

Then grab your spot for the Masterclass today.

Simply click the button below to get started.

Yes! I want to learn how to set up 8 different passive retirement income streams. Please secure my spot in The Retirement Income Masterclass


Jeff Opdyke

September 2023

P.S. Remember…

As part of my Retirement Income Masterclass, you’ll get three powerful bonuses, designed to make your journey faster and easier:

  • SPECIAL BONUS #1: "The Peaceful Sleep Portfolio” This is your model guide. See how I'd set things up to maximize your passive income and ensure peace of mind. It's your roadmap to action.
  • SPECIAL BONUS #2: “How I’m Generating Passive Income with This Surprising Investment (26% in 4 Months!)” Earlier this year, I began a project to generate passive income from this one surprising investment. And I’ve come to the conclusion it’s by far one of the best ways to create instant passive income - even if you only have $200 - $500 to start out with.
  • SPECIAL BONUS #3: “The Pay No Tax Manual” With more passive income comes more tax considerations. Don't overpay! This guide, crafted with a world-class tax expert, unveils strategies to significantly reduce your tax bill and protect your hard-earned money from needlessly paying more than you’re legally required to!

Lock in your spot to attend the Retirement Income Masterclass
by clicking the button below:

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